Prevention and treatment of several intensity diseases in chicken cages

Mar 20, 2020
In the process of breeding eggs and broilers in chicken cages, the occurrence of disease is inevitable, so farmers should pay attention to all preventive work and breeding work. Here are some of the more serious harms in the process of breeding eggs and chickens Disease prevention and control measures will be described for farmers.
Prevention and treatment of several intensity diseases in chicken cages
I. Laying Egg Syndrome: It is easy to understand that the egg reducing syndrome will lead to a drop in egg production. Farmers should pay attention to this is an infectious disease, which is mainly manifested in a sudden drop in egg production and even stops Laying, discoloration of the shell, uneven surface or soft-skinned eggs. In severely affected areas, chickens are better vaccinated against the disease as instructed.
2. Broiler Ascites Syndrome: There is no specific cure for this disease. Farmers mainly take precautionary measures: pay attention to the ventilation of the chicken house, even in winter.
3. Broiler Acute Death Syndrome: Intermittent lighting is used in the hen house to minimize stress.
V. Suspension of burrowing: a more effective way to prevent this disease. Farmers should pay attention to each bird's vitamin E, vitamin C, and vitamin D in the feed every day for 7 days before the laying hens come. Just fine.
The above are the prevention and control measures and key points of the more harmful diseases that the farmers should pay attention to in the process of breeding eggs and broilers in chicken cages!


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