QunKun® - Layer Cage

QunKun® - Layer Cage

Layer cage is rearing egg laying chicken, after pullet growing up to 12 weeks or 16 weeks transport them to layer cage. Its biggest advantage is increasing egg roduction to 98%

QunKun® - Broiler Cage

QunKun® - Broiler Cage

Broiler cage is good using space, the 3 tiers of broiler cage, it is A type, the third cage is near ground, second and top tiers are upon third, proof by facts, the capacity in broiler cage is three or four

QunKun® - Chick Cage

QunKun® - Chick Cage

Qun Kun chick cage rears baby egg laying chicken from one day old chicks, after 12 weeks or 16 weeks it grows up and near egg laying time, farmers will transport them to egg laying chicken