How to do disinfection and temperature control in broiler chickencages

Jan 10, 2020

How to do a good job of disinfection and temperature control. The disinfection and temperature adjustment operations of breeding will determine the success or failure of breeding. This article will introduce us how to do disinfection and temperature contr...

Advantages of using chicken cages

Jan 10, 2020

The use of chicken breeding is also called broiler cage breeding, that is, breeding chickens in cages. We can plan different types according to chicken age, gender and other aspects, including chick cages, laying hen cages, and cock cages. The main advant...

The manufacturer talks about the cleaning of the laying hen cage

Jan 10, 2020

How do I clean the egg cage? Do many friends want to know? Lets take a look at the cleanup together. In any case, if you can keep a good clean cage, it is very beneficial for chicken growth. There is a strong ammonia smell and bacteria in a dirty iron chi...

Why chick galvanization is cold galvanized

Jan 06, 2020

Why do chick cages need to be cold galvanized? We sometimes see that chick cages will be cold galvanized.What is the meaning of cold galvanization? Let me explain why chick galvanization is cold galvanized. The material used to make chicken coops is usual...

Things to pay attention to when laying hen cages

Jan 06, 2020

Things to pay attention to when buying layer hen cages, what should we pay attention to when buying layer hen cages, and how do we choose to buy, the following will explain the points to pay attention to when buying layer hen cages . There are many cages...

What environment does the broiler cage live in?

Jan 06, 2020

What kind of environment does the broiler cage live in? When we are breeding chickens, what kind of living environment does this broiler cage live in? Let me explain to you what environment the broiler cage lives in. 1. Staff should move lightly in the ho...

About different types of laying hen cages

Jan 06, 2020

Regarding different types of laying hen cages, there are different types of laying hen cages, so when our sister-in-law chooses laying hen cages, how do we choose them? Let me explain the different types of laying hen cages. Ladder chicken cages, each lay...

What are the advantages of a rack layer layer

Jan 06, 2020

What are the advantages of rack-type laying hen cages? Because there are many types of laying-hen cages, what are the advantages of rack-type laying hen cages? Let me explain to you the advantages of rack-type laying hen cages. 1. The mesh is smooth to pr...

What is the size of the chick cage

Jan 06, 2020

What is the specification of the chick cage? When building the chick cage, what is the specification of this construction, let me explain to you the size of the chick cage. The total height of the cage is about 1.7 meters, and the legs of the cage are 10...

Must the selection of broiler cages be closed

Jan 06, 2020

Does the choice of broiler cages have to be closed? When we choose broiler cages, we have to choose closed ones. How do we choose them? Let me explain to you that the choice of broiler cages must be closed. After each batch of broiler chickens are release...

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