how to maintain layer hen cage?

Sep 30, 2018

Let’s learn more about the layer cages first,please learn about the following information

how to maintain layer hen cage?

The most important thing in the whole chicken raising equipment is the layer cages. Now let's introduce several common chicken cages:

1. Chicken cage equipment can be divided into: full-step, half-step, multi-layer, composite and flat;

2, according to geometric size can be divided into: deep cage and shallow cage;

3, according to the type of chicken is divided into: egg cage, broiler cage and breeder cage;

4, according to the weight of the chicken is divided into: light egg cage, medium egg cage and broiler cage

Do you know how to maintain layer cage?

What is the maintenance method for the laying cage? When we are maintaining the laying hen cage, what method will we use for maintenance? Let me explain the maintenance method of the hen cage.

1. For each batch of chickens, add the butter motor shaft to the motor shaft, and the motor bucket can drop a few drops of vegetable oil to prevent rust.

2. For each batch of chickens, check the fasteners of the material line and the lifting system to tighten them.

3. The line switch and contacts controlled by the material line should be checked for looseness to prevent poor contact.

Layer Cage layer hen cage

Pre:How to choose best layer cages?

Next:chicken layer cage design


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