What to do if the broiler chicken is sick?

Feb 22, 2020
What will I do if the chickens in the broiler cage are sick?
1. Chicken farmers need to have at least half the level of veterinarians. They must carefully study the common diseases and symptoms of chicken flocks in advance, how to prevent and treat them, or it will be difficult to deal with the issues of disease prevention and treatment during the chicken raising process.
What to do if the broiler chicken is sick?
Second, if the chicken is sick, do not use medicine on the basis of your subjective feelings; if you are not sure, look for a professional veterinarian, otherwise it may kill a lot of chickens.
Third, when choosing veterinary drugs and feeds, you must keep your eyes open. Don't believe the blindness of the dealers. You must understand and compare in detail through the Internet to find the most cost-effective products.
Fourth, chickens must be immunized against various diseases, and appropriate health care can be considered to improve the disease resistance of chickens raised by themselves, so that chickens are less sick.

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