Describe the cleaning method of broiler cage

Jul 17, 2019
It is very common to use chickens, and there are many benefits to raising chickens. But if you need to do a good job in cleaning and cleaning up, and keep up with these opportunities to help reduce the invasion of bacteria and germs, how should you clean them?
Wash the tray and place the cage liner on the bottom of a tray. This tray should be removed at least once a week and scrubbed with a damp rag and cage. Remember to replace the liner and replace it before making sure to put it in the carton. Remove and scrub the grate some of the bottom of the cage, hang up to suspend the tray and make the bottom of the droppings. This grate should be scrubbed weekly to eliminate any possible collection of fecal dryness. The easiest way to clean up is to put it in a bathtub and use a brush to remove the waste. Thanks to the cage parts, make sure it is completely dry before returning to the cage.
Describe the cleaning method of broiler cage
Clean and altered perch wood, which can also accumulate dirt and waste, is a hotbed of potential bacterial growth. Therefore, they should be soaked and scrubbed once a week to remove any bacteria they may hide. Some inhabitants, especially wooden ones, take quite a while to dry after they have been cleaned, so it is a good idea to let a few "backups" on hand perch.
The weekly cleaning work can also make the chickens have a better growth environment while ensuring hygiene, thus increasing the growth of the chickens and bringing more and better benefits to the users.

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